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Fulfillment of CSR

Evaluation Item Implementation Status Deviations from “the Corporate Social Responsibility Best-Practice Principles for TWSE/TPEx Listed Companies” and Reasons
Yes No Abstract Explanation
Does the Company establish a governance structure to promote sustainable development, established a dedicated (part-time) unit to promote sustainable development; and did the Board of Directors authorize senior management to handle it and report the supervisory status to the Board of Directors?
(implementation, not compliance or interpretation)
1.The Company's implementation of matters related to sustainable development are coordinated by the Office of the President and executed by various departments. Comply with the operating concept of Plan, Do, Check, and Acting (P-D-C-A) to regularly assess response measures for sustainable development. Each quarter, executives propose strategic advancements to the board, who then evaluate the viability of successful strategies and review strategic development.
2.In compliance with the Financial Supervisory Commission's Sustainable Development Roadmap, the Company reported all items and schedules for conducting inventory of greenhouse gas emissions to the board on June 24, 2022; a report was submitted to the board to establish organizational structure to implement carbon inventory on November 8. Chairman Cai Jia Xiang was appointed management representative and Chief Financial Officer Lin You Qing was appointed as chair responsible for the supervision, resource planning, and support coordination of conducting an inventory of greenhouse gases.
The company will implement such policy in accordance with applicable laws in the future.
Does the company assess ESG risks associated with its operations based on the principle of materiality, and establish related risk management policies or strategies?
(implementation, not compliance or interpretation)
1.The Company conducts risk assessments for important issues based on the principle of materiality. Risk management policies or strategies are established according to evaluated risks as shown in the following:
(1)Environment: Environmental protection and ecological conservation
The Company has obtained ISO 14001:2015 certification for environmental management systems and complies with government laws and regulations, international conventions, and environmental regulations. The environmental management system is utilized in a manner that fits the characteristics and scale of the organization, and it is regularly reviewed and improved to publicly disclose the Company's implementation of environmental management.
(2)Social responsibility:
A. Product safety
Products manufactured by the Company have passed and will continue to be maintained according to international quality management system certifications. The car product division has obtained IATF 16949: 2016 certification, the remaining product divisions have passed international quality management system ISO 9001: 2015 certification.
B. Social welfare
The Company donated tables and chairs to Andrew Charity Association on January 18, 2022.
C. Academic donations
The Company donated to the Smart Manufacturing Development Fund on April 12, 2022 and was awarded a Silver Award from the Ministry of Education.
(3)Corporate governance: Socioeconomic and legal compliance
Criteria established by the Company in accordance with the latest "Corporate Governance Evaluation" reviews and improves the Company's various operations and practices to comprehensively advance the quality of governance. The appropriate adjustments are made to the Company's internal management mechanisms through information provided by the competent authority and external consultants in the hopes of implementing the latest corporate governance trends into daily operations.
The company will implement such policy in accordance with applicable laws in the future.
Environmental issues
Does the company establish proper environmental management systems based on the characteristics of their industries?In order to perform effective environmental management systems, the Company's affiliated enterprises such as Kunshan ESON, Multiwin Mexico, and Eson Batupahat have each obtained ISO14001:2015 certification in environmental management systems to ensure that plants are operated in compliance with regulations. No deviation
Does the company endeavor to utilize all resources more efficiently and use renewable materials which have low impact on the environment?The Company has implemented an environmental safety department responsible for the supervision of matters related to environmental management and industrial safety. The management rules have established "Management Standards for Environmental Substances" to ensure that all raw materials comply with regulations such as RoHS and REACH by directly managing raw materials with lower environmental impact at the source of production. By obtaining a IECQ compliant certification, the Company establishes rigorous systems to control hazardous substances and further reinforce the control and management of hazardous substances used in products. No deviation
Does the Company assess the potential risks and opportunities climate change brings to the Company, now and in the future, and take measures to respond to climate-related issues? After assessing the potential risks and opportunities of climate change in the present and future, the Company has found that the sustainable development constraints on energy and environment have become more severe. In the many potential applications of renewable energy, distributed solar photovoltaic power generation has become a critical solution due to its many advantages of pollution-free, sustainable, high volume, wide distribution, and variety of utilization forms. The key to maintaining long-term competitiveness is accelerating the implementation of green factories and constructing green manufacturing systems. On September 13, 2022, the Company signed a 25-year partnership agreement with Mingyi New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. to calculate the carbon reduction benefits of power generation by referencing existing use of coal-fired power generation: Utilizing the calculation standard of 328g consumption per kWh of electricity, 997g of standard coal emissions, 30g of carbon dioxide, 15g of sulfur dioxide, and 1.3 liters clean water consumed by nitrogen oxides, the project's first year of operation will achieve the following effects in carbon reduction: Power generation of 5.501 million kWh, replace 1804 tons of standard coal, reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 5,484 tons, reduce sulfur dioxide emissions by 165 tons, reduce nitrogen oxide emissions by 82 tons, and conserve 7,1512 tons of clean water. At 25 years, the project will achieve the following effects in carbon reduction: Power generation of 124.323 million kWh, replace 40,777 tons of standard coal, reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 123,950 tons, reduce sulfur dioxide emissions by 3,729 tons, reduce nitrogen oxide emissions by 1,864 tons, and conserve 161,619 tons of clean water. No deviation
Does the company take inventory of its greenhouse gas emissions, water consumption, and total weight of waste in the last two years, and implement policies on energy efficiency and carbon dioxide reduction, greenhouse gas reduction, water reduction, or waste management? The Company has obtained certification in ISO14001 environmental management system and implements various energy conservation plans that manages the usage statistics of resources. Energy conservation and recycling are comprehensively practiced to reduce resource waste; in 2023, the Company began taking inventory of greenhouse gas emissions.
1. Energy conservation plan for lighting: The Company's Taiwan branch will gradually implement energy conserving light sources and install two-way valves along with temperature controls in air conditioning to achieve energy conservation.
2. Water conservation plan: In 2022, Kunshan ESON consumed 155,647 tons of water, a 15.9% reduction compared to 185,100 tons consumed in 2021. In 2022, Multiwin Mexico consumed 72,386 tons of water, a 15.2% reduction compared to 85,376 tons consumed in 2021.          
The company will implement such policy in accordance with applicable laws in the future.
Social issues
Does the company formulate appropriate management policies and procedures according to relevant regulations and the International Bill of Human Rights? The Company complies with labor regulations and is committed to the guiding principles of international human rights conventions such as The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and International Labour Organization. We support and respect internationally recognized human rights including prohibiting the use of child labor, eliminating all forms of forced labor, eliminating employment discrimination, and preventing unlawful infringement in the workplace. The Company's policies and measures are revised according to local labor regulations to meet current conditions. No deviation
Does the Company formulate and implement reasonable employee benefits measures (including compensation, leaves and other benefits), and appropriately reflect operational performance or achievement in employee compensation?By law, the Company participates in labor insurance (payments for work injury or disease, disability, childbirth, and death) and national health insurance; additionally, employees enjoy additional guarantees with group insurance (accident, medical, and overseas emergency rescue insurance) available from their first day of employment. In accordance with the "Labor Standards Act" and related laws and regulations, employees are provided with parental leave without pay, family leave, menstrual/maternity leave, paternity leave, and more based on their physiological condition and family requirements. Employees may schedule leave based on their actual needs.
Also, the Company participates in surveys of remuneration and welfare policies as reference to establish reasonable employee remuneration and welfare policies that are competitive within markets. Subsidies such as gifts for birthdays, weddings, and funerals as well as annual employee health examinations are provided. Performance evaluations are conducted annually to offer opportunities for promotions, salary adjustments, and year-end bonuses based on individual performance to share operating results with employees. Also, a "Procedures for Reward and Discipline" has been established to offer a clear reward and punishment system that is reflected in employee remuneration.
No deviation
Does the company provide a healthy and safe working environment and organize training on health and safety for its employees on a regular basis?The Company has obtained certification ISO45001 for the management systems of occupational health and safety and its active implementation with regular verification and review by a third party. Regularly organize activities related to employee safety and health education to reinforce awareness of occupational safety and health. The Company provides health examinations for current employees and has dedicated personnel in partner health institutions that allow employees to engage in health consultations.No deviation
Does the company setup a communication channel with employees on a regular basis, as well as reasonably inform employees of any significant changes in operations that may have an impact on them?The Company conducts new employee training for new hires and establishes an effective career development training program for employees.No deviation
Does the company's products and services comply with relevant laws and international standards in relation to customer health and safety, customer privacy, and marketing and labeling of products and services, and are relevant consumer protection and grievance procedure policies implemented? The Company comply with relevant laws, regulations, and international standards with respect to customer health and safety, customer privacy, marketing and labeling of products and services, and develop relevant consumer interest’s protection policies and complaint procedures.No deviation
Does the Company formulate a supplier management policy that requires suppliers to follow relevant regulations on issues such as environmental protection, occupational safety and health, or labor rights, and its implementation situation? The Company and its subsidiaries and the supplier conduction business transactions with the suppliers in conformity to the procedures for the control of suppliers, and evaluation the suppliers through the annual supplier conference and supplier evaluation mechanisms.No deviation
Does the company reference internationally accepted reporting standards or guidelines, and prepare reports that disclose non-financial information of the company, such as Corporate Sustainability Report? Do the reports above obtain assurance from a third party verification unit?The company and subsidiaries have not yet mapped our any plan on corporate social responsibility and the plan of compiling Corporate Sustainability Report.The company will implement such policy in accordance with applicable laws in the future.
Describe the difference, if any, between actual practice and the corporate social responsibility principles, if the company has implemented such principles based on the Corporate Social Responsibility Best Practice Principles for TWSE/TPEx Listed Companies: The Board of Directors of the Company has passed the corporate social responsibility code of practice. The Company will fulfill corporate social responsibilities and implement according to the directions.
Other useful information for explaining the status of corporate social responsibility practices:
(1) The Company has participated in the establishment of charitable associations to provide regular financial assistance to vulnerable groups such as nursing homes and low-income households.
(2) Passed certification:

Item Certification Date Valid Period
ISO9001:2015 2021/11/29 2021/11/29-2024/11/29
IATF16949:2016 2021/9/9 2021/9/9-2024/9/8
IECQ 2020/9/23 2020/9/23-2023/9/23
ISO9001:2015 2015/12/9 2021/10/15-2024/12/8
ISO14001:2015 2013/12/26 2022/11/23-2025/10/22
ISO45001:2018 2013/12/26 2022/11/23-2025/12/26
ISO9001:2015 2010/7/31 2020/7/31-2023/7/31
ISO14001:2015 2009/4/3 2021/9/2-2024/9/13
ISO9001:2015 2009/3/12 2021/9/2-2024/9/13
ISO14001:2015 2004/10/1 2022/9/1-2025/9/30
  • ESON headquarters:No. 88, Yuanfeng Rd., KSND. Kunshan City, Jiangsu, China

  • Branch: Taiwan / Subsidiary: Wuxi, Yantai, Dongguan, Slovakia, Mexico, Vietnam, Malaysia First Plant, Malaysia Second Plant

  • +86-512-57572938

COPYRIGHT (O) 2021.ESON Precision Engineering Co. Ltd. 蘇ICP備11060543號-1

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